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05 05 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Par l'égalité parfaite avec le peuple, même quand il monte tout en haut, il faut toujours marcher autant !

Moi, je ne monte pas ici et je ne vais pas sur le terrain dans des domaines dont je n'ai pas le leadership !

Je laisse ceux et celles qui ont le leadership des autres domaines le faire dans leur domaine,

et c'est bien pour cela que j'ai besoin de sortir de Tout !


M. Lemaire, pour la réforme des retraites des étrangers en France,

vous bloquez le salaire ? ou vous bloquez le retour ?

Mais pas les deux !

Laisser les gens qui veulent retourner retourner,

ou travailler normalement s'ils ne peuvent pas, parce que ce n'est pas de leur faute !

Sinon, bloquer le salaire de ceux qui peuvent retourner mais ne veulent pas...


When it is hard for me, it is hard for him.

But I am not waiting for his smile ! 🤔

People don't like much the Monarchic system for people equality ...

Were Australians happy with Albanese money system these last years ?

I was saying to Macron that even when they come up to the Top, they still have to walk all the time !


Last week, we were saying that

  • New Zealanders can go until Queueland

  • Papuans can go until Victoria

  • and the Islands Union people can go until Perth

That was the progressive and degressive shares of benifits from work and land rent to companies i talked about some months ago

But naturally, you must have understood that Australia as a country is someone who has us 3 !

I surely already have at least 1, perhapes 2, even 3 !??

But i still have to restart it from 0 because you all want to know me to do ....

Take your car Pauline Hanson !

You are not allowed to follow the Politics HelpDesk, i've just created.

All is not Legislation because Legislation is under the other King !

I am OK to go Home in New Zealand but i am not OK to be stolen by those who came after to steal me in Australia, OK ?

West of Sydney ? You go very very small !

BC Great Public is not just Green. They come as Freelancers from everywhere...

IT : Orange is Red and Yellow. We even don't need white !

It can stay Orange in New Zealand and Tasmania, not Green, avoiding you too small evil 😂


Not too much, Governor !

I had 3...(with 2 Representatives ?)

Exceptionally, i can have 1 more ?

But not 50 ! 🤔

I am Monarchic, not Democrate.

In general, I don't like too much demonstration in life.

It has been longtime that Obama couldn't anymore ...

He even couldn't lift Clinton up when he was down !

I try to do it right.

You might have to go back where you were from, not to get others stuck because of you.

A lot were protesting ...

Please, just tell what you gave to president Xi Jingping ?you will not bring them back to us, now that the Flag and me had to leave VN ???!


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