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06 08 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Joe Biden and Pauline Hanson don't have anything to do in Australia.

There isn't anything to discuss !

They don't have the right to stay to twitt !

Comme ça les Portugais brillent en blanc aussi ...

Ils font "Concierge" pour vous garder dans des biens communs Commonwealth !

If Britain can shake hands with Spain over France,

Britain can shake hands with Portugal over Spain !

La Russie ne fait pas partie intégrante de l'Europe. Elle est aussi grande qu'elle peut devenir un Continent à part entière.

Ce n'est pas le cas de l'Australie. L'Australie ne sera pas divisée en petit pays comme l'Europe mais elle ne va jamais sortir du Continent Australie comme la Russie.

Il faut faire attention ....

C'est toujours plus facile de mettre dans le crâne des incompétents d'IA de fausses idées que d'en enlever !

Je ne peux pas voir la Hongrie sur ce map ...

Pourquoi elle peut tant nous emmerder avec Tout ?

I am not the centre or the earth to attract too many ... ??!!

In Asia/Australia, students had to graduate before in order to get married with Royals.

  • Royals don't have choice 😰

  • Fake graduated, fake degree to access without skills and knowledges 😱

In France/Australia, it was because they were chosen by Royals that they were taken in engineer school ...

=> Cheats are everywhere if Royals are not teachers !!!! 🤧

Taking Politician directly from our local Parliament ...

We have finished with the German White Indonesian Education for Royals Traditional marriage

and the problem of All professions as well ..;

China calls All red ????

Australia calls All black

Effectively, I could have make the New Zealand Rugby team win the 1st price if they were themselves Red without All ...!


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