Vous ne devriez pas être avec la Russie qui est toujours collé là sur le Plan comme un CON, nous envier, stupide et humiliant avec leur culture de fils de putes !!!!

They are sticking there on the plan with the gas of candles flying without assisted direction !!
Innovation is Innovation ...
Shut up !
I am not asking for their opinion about which child to choose ..
Only Australians can vote for Australia, i said !!
We are not going META-prostite with them !!!!
We are not adhering to BRICS !!!!!
Those stupid never understand what i say or what ?
They supported Trump and even Trump is not with them !!!!

And now Xi Jingping is rejected by Mexico !!!!!
Go Home China .... both children in the same place !!
Et toi, l'Âne ?
Tu vas où t'habiller comme ça ?
J'espère que c'est du centre de l'Europe dont tu parlais ... ????
Parce que si c'est le Centre de l'Australie, c'est "casses-toi, pauvre c*nne" !
Non, la stérilité n'est pas été inventée par l'Âne !
Il y a plein d'autres animaux qui sont comme ça, pas que les ânes ...!!!!
A Brisbane, il y a la 1ere du Riche qui est stérile aussi ...
Ce n'est pour autant qu'on laisse le pays à ses autres enfants.
L'âne, tu ne vas pas faire terrorist pour laisser Thomas nous voler.
On n'est pas socialiste, OK ?!
Et tu n'as pas besoin de te manifester à chaque fois que je parle de la révocation du Statut Monarchique = Arrêt de l'héritage.
Tu as un Titre volé par les Européens mais tu n'as pas de Statut Monarchique à révoquer !
Ce n'est pas sans raison qu'ils t'appelle ÂNE !
They have always prayed God ...
I was just about to tell Putin that it is William who will stay the Sky for Europe, not my son !!!!
Those who have the Titles in Europe are Europeans....
Such like VN, they stole our Titles to give us their Royal name.
My grandmother had a Vietnamese Royal name.
It is Ségolène who has a French Royal name !!!!
Australia as a Country is Monarchic.
Asutralia as a Continent is Federal.
We don't have the Top Plan Socialist, anywhere !
VN is not driving me back with their Naming Administration !
I am creating the Monarchic Status myself ...
In a wrong place, we are very restricted to produce ...
We have to go Home to invest ourselves in our future ...
I am not trying to make money in Europe, just want to earn what to spend for necessary needs while waiting ....
Trading is not new for me. I just don't want to do it anymore in France.
Not Venus before Nasa will back in Australia, we will not spend American ressources for that.
So, Banks in Australia have to let our country what they have made ...
to go out working somewhere else as CV, not Result.
How guilty Albanese is,
there won't be election at term if i can not come back in Australia at term !
We will wait until i will be there for the next election ....
If Jim is playing Trump, we can not get both sides stuck !!
Unless we know how to remove Trump for Jim to follow in case of ...

I just want to reject Trump twice from both !!
If Americans want to choose a Democrate instead, it is their right.
I don't oppose, but Australia is not Democratic.

I found that the culture of All is always very humiliating to our values ...
but finally, it is perhapes because they don't have anything else to see in us ?!