More Homes ? not more Houses ?
The Flag and me have left VN !
It is just unacceptable that parents can not take their babies to work but baby-sitter can bring other's children everywhere !
We are not all farming government, Jim !
Australia is doing the Australia Continent with 3 Australian countries as 3 primary keys
The US is not doing the America Continent with 50 American countries ?
The 3 States we have are the same 3 Australian Countries ?
They are doing the world with 50 foreign countries as 50 foreign keys !
We will not follow them the world !
We can take the cast between New Zealand and Canada but not the US and Australia.
In Australia, we can have the Bridge as 1 unique Governmental Employment.
In the US, we have to do it State per State.
So, what is California ? Papua ? The Islands Union ?
China will send someone to replace me in France ?
It is not me who will say to president Xi JingPing you're welcome here but i am OK if yes.
Mais ce n'est pas non plus au président Macron de dire qu'il faut éviter toute logique de bloc dans les blocs qui ne lui appartiennent pas.
Je dirais que Republic avec Republic et Federal avec Federal pour arrêter les conflits et les insultes puis laisser un peu de place à l'harmonie de ceux qui se ressemblent s'assemblent. Eviter les provocations, l'approche des JO ...
Vive la paix !