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10 01 25 News

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6-7 specific Infrastructures, one per State.

I have an idea for Home Affairs Infras in Queensland, something that anyone has never done anywhere else ..;)

Other States will build theirs when there will be something else to do ...

We don't need to build them all at the same time.

As individual houses, sometimes people borrow money from banks to buy or to build, but not without enough income to refund, i suppose ?

Because change is change and we have not changed enough yet ..

You have to be replaced as Treasurer to mark the change for the way to do it !

Gerard Rennick will start working with you now.

There isn't need that you move to do passport as foreign Affairs if we maintain the election in June 2025 and you want to campaign, Jim.

Unless you don't want to be PM and we will make someone else elected PM ...

Now that the current GG and PM are over for May and other months,

I think we will keep the election in June ..

4 or 5 years are too long and we won't do like the US or Europe.

3 years renewable, not for Albanese.

Actually, we don't have anyone for the General Governor position

because i don't know what he/she does ... if not just there to be in conflict with the PM ?!

The next PM might need to have enough power to change.

I think we should keep the GG seat unoccupied for a while...

If everything can be handled with only the PM.

In France, it is the Blue passpost diplomatic.

I don't remember what color was before .. ??

But the Biometric passport might have come because of our presence here and that's why they were so afraid that those things will be removed when we leave ??

Strange, it seems i had seen the Diplomatic Australian Passport Black but i can not find it again on Internet ..

It becomes Red ?!

But brief,

As countries don't have the same passports the same colors,

It is evident that it must be local even though usable internationally !

What is common is that they are written in yellow gold

It seems President Xi Jingping said Jim Charlmers was from something like that ... ?

As most of multiple-Origines persons,

We have to choose one place to stay definitively ..

We have the choice where we have the right to choose and it must be Official.

Not today a country, another day another country,

to stop being concerned by what we are not part anymore.

Je vous rappelle que le Statut Monarchique que j'ai créé pour l'Australie est toujours interdit à la copie aux autres pays tant que je ne suis pas rentrée sur place pour le rendre Officiel avant ...

Je ne reste pas ici regarder les pro-N mal-éduqués me voler sans cesse des propriétes et propriétés intellectuelles pour pouvoir les suivre ... !!

Je pense que c'est quelque chose qui dépasse la petite boîte crânienne des Russes ...

Et il n'y a pas qu'eux, les US aussi ont des problèmes avec enfants du temps parce qu'ils n'ont pas l'héritage !!!!

Mais Obama fait ce qu'il peut ...

Ou Mme Pelosi continue son job si elle peut, sinon c'est elle qui va choisir à qui laisser son poste...

C'est la seule chose que je peux leur dire ...

En aucun cas, je ne donne le droit de copier à qui que ce soit pour continuer à foutre de la merde de façon permanente !!!!

Which public he servs ?

A population of free electrons who just come to be served and don't want to pay Tax ???!

He doesn't need to be PM to serv them !!!!

We will give him another job out of Politics or he will go out of Australia to do it somewhere else ...


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