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11 01 25 news

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

I thought that my news yesterday was clear enough ...

But no, there are who still struggle with understanding ... ????

1 specific infrastructure per State but the State does it for the whole country !

We are not dividing our country into 6-7 States Countries !!

Sure, you are facing challenges because you can not come after as elders to divide our country .. what we have always said ..

And that's why i have to disable from 1 to 5

New, my son is doing something new but he is not new !

He comes from the same heritance for more than 4000++ years ago !!

Doing something new instead of playing role harashing women is the only way to fixe our past problems, finish with sons of prostite bad education, to let our society progress ..

Disabling by the way the n° 8 doing wrong walking the wrong walk based on order of birth to stop Trump long term stupidity !

I can not explain everything here on NetCom News.

I need to spend time working with Jason Clare and when people will study our Politics Master, they will understand more ...

I can not understand why people think they can change the no to yes just insisting ?

If they don't change anything, the answer will not change ?!

So, no they are not approved and people can not vote for them !

The Channel Australian Herald will not continue Communication with us.

They go out to Middle East countries to pray their God !!!!

All is not allowed in Australia.

If Australia wants to stay a strong sane society, we have to ban insane religious practices spreading unfact anti-science beliefs in order to manipulate, indoctrinate people in irrational behavior !

Obama has always pretended to be Vietnamese ...

But do you know why VN is so strong, Obama ?

Because that is the war of VN against supertition or superstitiousness !

In VN, it is bouddha, not Jesus that people believe in ..

but superstitiousness is superstitiousness.

Religions teach but don't explain.

They want adepts to practice, not understand.

There isn't any voice to raise. Dialogue is unuseful. Concensus is impossible...

Australian Herald Channel :

Go out to Middle East , SHUT UP and Pray !

You are not welcome in Australia !!

We have other way to manage people ...

Don't stick to me with Son of Prostite bad Education !!!!

Je vais dire que l'Ukraine et la Russie c'est comme le Bouddhisme et le Catholique ..;

Je ne vais pas choisir l'un des deux pour mon pays ..

Il semble que dans une video récente d'hier, Putin a voulu reconsrtuire Tout sans jamais se soucier de quelle merde vous êtes pour nous imposer Tout ???!

On peut avoir une relation bi-latérale avec l'Allemagne et seulement avec l'Allemagne pour des travaux scientifiques mais pas tout le monde.

Alors désormais, j'espère que vous allez nous foutre la paix avec Tout !

Les Français peuvent défaire l'UE et revenir aux francs !

Tu es en train de chier de la merde rouge ?

Tu as un bout d'intestin qui déborde à l'extérieur ?

Vas voir un médecin et prie de sorte qu'il fasse son boulot correctement !

Mais c'est quelque chose qui peut se guérir et même seul sans médecin ...

Evites que ça grandisse de trop quand même !!!!

We respect your willingness to be Independant ...

My daughter said that it was Gavin newSom who spread it to her ...

Some years ago, Australia was already attacked with bushfire during a talk with Canada.

It is not me who wanted it for California now to force Trump's election,

but i can consider that bushfires are already held accountable and it is finished.

We don't follow them back. The change is now

If the Official passport is for Great Travelers then it should rather be called "Great Travelers" than Official ...

As if there can be Non Official passport ?!

It doesn't mean anything !

If we are having a new passport, that's a right color for Australia as a country but it shouldn't be called "Emergency" because the Diplomatic Passport has already priorities to check-in, check-out more quickly, right ?


  • a Grey passport for Great Travelers with more pages

  • a normal biometric Passport for ordinary cases

  • a Rose passport for Diplomatic and other prior cases

would be enough.

Passport stays in Foreign Affairs.

Visa belongs to Home Affairs.

Both are not free.

Those who have double rights can work for both.

Congratulations !


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