Which Australian twitt what ?
Why do you say that ?
Because you have difficulty to understand the difference between efforts, merit and sacrifices .. ?
I said that sacrifices are not merit, i don't have the gangters Politics !
But i didn't say that efforts are not merit !
So, is someone there wanting to conclude on our efforts immediately ?
If concluded by someone else immediately is concluded by someone else immediately !
Uneducated people of All kinds have to change that habit !
Otherwise, no i don't have intention to stay Tresurer until the end of my life ...
Just the time to change the perception of money for people to spend in security then move to something else to let someone follow for sure ...
Who is Coalition ? Peter Dutton ?
Australia is not a place to solve conflicts between China and Japan !
I didn't realize that Albanese was Jap before he became PM.
But i will let him finish his project "child care" 3 years term ...
Children care is me but It was not me who wanted to do it in that order.
I wanted that we leave together to care about them ...
In 2018, my son was occupied and we waited for him delayed for Xmas !
Everything was prepared to be executed well, but Albanese still have to play ... for time children !
Thank you, Margo.
But there is another care that you didn't see : "jealousy of jealous people" care !
As already said, now I am living with 20€ /day under the poverty when others earn millions...
They will shut their jealousy up when I will be back up !
It is not Albanese who can have that idea, he is earning more than 3 hundreds of thousands of dollars per year !
We are not managing economy normally and this situation must be temporary...
Was it you who said some years ago that those who have lived their whole life there in the US ... will not get out to us to be the champion ?
If Trump can make Pence win the Presidency, we might let Pence choose by himself someone to lift up VP ...
But for you, i think that the only up you can do is to shut up !
For me, i don't feel guilty leaving France...
Everywhere i worked, everyone admitted my competences but i couldn't be hired permanently just because i was not considered French !
And to those who put their nose too far in my private life to criticize and do jutice for someone else .... on something that don't concern them ....

I will let them away to their fidelity or faithfulness ...
(not trustfulness !)
In Vietnamese, there are 2 distincts words for dogs and humans, but in French there is only one "fidélité" for both !
And surely those who can not support me will not come back nearby me !
We have finish with David football and David GG.
In Australia, we don't keep All !
Don't ask us to support them if they can not support themselves ...
Yes, they can leave and go to All Red Chinese, Thank You !
They didn't drink the Water of the Oceans !
They stole the Water of our Lake ... perhapes to put scammer to us... to steal sustainably ressources for Mars ????
Hey Americans, they might have taken you for stupid but we are not easy !