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11 09 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Peter Dutton is frustrated with his Chinese face and always want to diport people's attention to something else in order not to do what we ask !

But we have to come back as Local Government to re-establish Local Authority.

Otherwise, there isn't any way to stop violence whether it is from the Police or from people under a Theft Government !

There isn't any Political change without damage.

VN lost millions of persons during their Independant war !

Sooner we end it, less we lose ...

Our 606 and 607 Visas mustn't impact so many people.

As we don't represent them as a set of foreign keys in us.

While they are doing the Institutions way, there are violences ...

If Gavin NewSom has splitted out to us as my grandmother Magerite Royal and my mother "Add", and they lost their common part in the US,

It is not my mistake and i don't have anything to do !

It seems Putin called Gavin NewSom the Coal ...????

We can not take in some Coal and give out our land and our Local Monarchy to be fucking managed then removed as USD dollars by their ennemy !

But sincerely, i have a doubt about Coal.

I think i have rather Wind power and Water power (hydrogene) than the Coal Energy.

Unless they were splitting back the Vuong King name to us ..

What's for ?

We are the King and we don't have Naming Administration.

I am creating the Monarchic Status to complete Operational Titles ...

At a moment , The King need to have children with Middle Queen to have Inheritance together for the Middle country but it is not her name she gave to me !

It is the children of the Rich with his wife, the Bastards and because of their fucking car that we are in this fucking situation !

I don't have any debt to anyone and i am not borrowing money ....

If Communists were splitting back ..

We are the Final Status. I don't give anything out !

So, what's about these 2 Flags ?

That are kinds of suggestions that people can vote for ... when it will come to National votes for our Flag ...

  • Is beauty something important for our country ? People usually vote for what is related to them ...

We have land ressources and sea ressources ..

But not a Flag with that Representation !

We don't have Red border with Papua ??

Red represent Red skin color people

What represents the Blue color ?

=> Low without frame workers ...

Do you know what it is ?

It is Technician working counting hours, not based on result !

They are always the Majority of any country !

We can not simply count votes because that will make our country low studies, see uneducated ....

We are building the Politics Master !

So, we will take time to do it ..

Because we will not do and undo to change all the time !


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