Of course, if we just earn what we need to spend, we can never be rich or more exactly, we never have a lot of money ... but
money is not richess (we have already talked about it)
money is not power (we have proved it many times)
money can not bring love
So, why do those persons need so much money ?!
Indeed, shares holding must have come from Germany because it is at the Individual level ...
But all the shares holders are not democrates.
Democrates are those who buy lands as Properties.
Business Shares Holders buy Intellectual Properties as part of Entreprises.
But Land speculations are not unlimited ?!
So, Politicians, we don't sell land to earn money !!
So, no don't stick to me Yellow like sh*t !
There isn't anyway to respect more ...
I am tired watching their Ads all day long !!!!
I don't have adoptive mother !
C'est elle, Ursula Von der Lyen la G de l'EU ?
Moi, je ne la connais pas.
Mais à chaque fois que je parle du problème de ma fille, il y a plein de gens qui veulent la faire sauter ...
On vit ici en France, on ne vit pas chez eux ..
Qu'est ce qu'elle a, la pétasse, à nous emmerder comme ça ???!
Et comme si le problème de pfizer ne suffisait pas, il faut encore qu'elle s'y colle au G gaz maintenant ..
L'impunité c'est complice de criminels !!!!
The mirroring is finished with the Monarchic Status i've just created.
Now, they can not copy fucking it then pretend that it is our mistake !!!!
Do what you can where you are.