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14 06 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Whose Visa you want to end ? David Power ?

I just welcomed him yesterday ... to discuss,

because there are too many failures of Laws about Legal thefts...

I think that those who are for States Division Politics didn't understand that they can not come into a country already owned by someone to divide out of that country-person !

  • division because the country-person have many chidren is OK, however many Titles and SubTitles are better

  • Division of the world as a new country is also OK, if they find a new land that has never belonged to someone

But not division in States a country that is already owned out of that country person.

Simon will stay as low and poor as me here in France !

My welcome to David Power has restarted a serie of Socialism problems that everyone know but they still hope and need to be reminded every day like Alzheimer patients ! 😱

I was just thinking that if my half-sister comes back in VN then my half-brother can go to the US and i will let Massachsettes with the Politics HelpDesk to him and/or Harry ...

William seems to be in Canada and the Children of the Rich and his wife are with Elon Musk in Mexico / south US ... they are like my children in a same country...

Then China restarted attacking us with New Zealand as if they can not live their life at Home without fucking all around ... ???!

I am enough of China, thanks.

I told you to let us go Home, reunite our family then we will talk about work and collaboration without having to deliver children ... but no, they still want to piss and shit everywhere !

How do they think they can stay in New Zealand if i had to leave the South of VN ?

Now i want to know 1 thing :

  • Are both Macron and NewSom were from/for Celine ?

  • Or Celine followed me and Macron forllowed NewSom ?

If they are both from/for Celine then NewSom can come for the last stand from Great ...

not like Macron in France, but like Putin in Russia !

Oui, Macron traque aussi, les mots, pas les pensées.

Mauvaise pioche, la traque n'est pas sans limite !

J'étais en train de dire que

Finalement, le vrai gentleman c'est Putin !

Pourquoi les filles de sa femme peuvent prendre la Russie sans rien faire et personne ne dit rien ?? Alors que moi J'ai faire presque tout toute seule mais quand je veux prendre l'Australie, les chiens aboient de tous les coins ????

Il a fallu qu'il me pourisse 10 ans de ma vie avant de s'en aller ! Mais qu'est ce que je lui ai fait ?

J'ai voulu lui donner une chance de devenir Président pour compenser sa jeunesse perdue dans un vieux trou et voilà comment il m'a remercié !

C'était depuis son premier quinquennat que ma poche se vide petit à petit, le boulot devient de plus en plus dur à trouver..

Il a fallu lui parler en Russe depuis le début !

Et pour celui qui a dit hier à la télé qu'en France, il y aura toujours ça d'abandonné ..;

He bien, j'espère qu'il parlait de Céline pour Macron vers Xi Jingping ?

Parce que moi, ce sera toujours ça ...

Je ne vois pas en quoi je suis Française ?

Je ne ressens aucun sentiment d'appartenance positif ???!

I don't know who was the 3rd paid out of Trudeau ...

But if you have paid out those money before going Home with $10000 per work year ...

Then i think that you won't go Home any more and don't need to touch those amounts again ...??

Or you will have to work hard until the debt is finished ...

After Scomo getting crazy about Trudeau, now it is you Albanese !


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