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16 04 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Innovation as improved by self or by a 3rd party as an application of fundamental knowledges learned make sense ...

You can not teach to earn income and ban your students to practice and apply knowledges learned.

Teachers are Indonesians.

Nearly all those who have an Indonesian have a Teacher ...

Countries teach in their expertise.

Teachers give knowledges, not lessons of live from their own culture !

Parents educate and there mustn't be too much interference from all kind of people of a foreign society ...

The bike wheels were from Indonesia too ...

What will Japan teach ?

Speculation and Scam ?


In the Home Affairs, there are a lot of things and a lot of positions :

  • Visas

  • Citizenship

  • Election Process

  • Treasury

  • ...

Australian Home Affairs are reserved to Australian Indigenous

and Merit mustn't be uselessly sacrifices good for nothing.


I keep the election processing long term, participating into other activities short term for Politics help and decision.

Where are your comptence ?

What did you do ?


Merit mustn't be unstoppable Insolence and Humiliation envolving all kinds of crimes and immoral issues !

They have put the Labor too far and the Royals too low.

Every countries have to give a child to do Everything for others ...

In Communist countries, there are just TOO MANY ALLs.

Anyone can do everything else than stupid incompetent sacrifices for a legal criminal system !

I don't list them all here but we now are a lot who want to finish it and go Home.


I can understand that some persons however born Royal might wish to live a quiet life, without being challenged too much ...

That's why our Monarchic Status is available all the time whatever the title and job done,

while It is not revoked for Politics crimes and unacceptable Immoral Issues.

Monarchic Status holders can just work and wear an operational SubTitle and keep their Monarchic Status available through generations without using it.

The Monarchic Status is a RIGHT to campaign for the National Title.

We also need some required activities besides this right...


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