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18 04 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

"Pour l'instant, Il n'y a pas d'action, que de la communication"

Je n'ai plus de vie privée, plus d'ami, plus de famille, plus de boulot, plus de repos : 7/7 j 24/24h, je suis traquée par des tas d'abrutis ...

La France entière est toujours en effervescence à la moindre geste, moindre mot que je fais !

Pourquoi vous ne traquez pas Marine Le Pen pour savoir comment vivre votre vie de me*de ? Elle n'a pas de cervelle ?

Je vais en vacances, Macron fait un kk nerveux

Je cherche du boulot, Macron fait un kk nerveux

Je vais voir le médecin, Macron fait un kk nerveux

J'achète un truc sur Internet, Macron fait un kk nerveux

Quelle action qu'on attend de moi encore ?

Faire élire un autre crétin pour qu'il me pourrisse la vie encore 10 ans de plus ?

C'est toute la France que je n'en veux plus !

C'est ça, responsabiliser vos parents à vous !

Parce que ma fille, elle était très bien quand elle vivait avec moi ...

Elle changeait du collège au lycée, j'étais là.

Elle passait son bac, j'étais toujours là ..

A la remise du diplôme, j'étais là ...

Et c'est pour cela, que les français merdeux avaient besoin de nous séparer !


Which inhumain scam ?

You have to say it in a more understandable way.

Are you talking about the dinausore ? It is not just a scam !

Stealing National Antiquity is among the highest Politics crimes and it can be condemned ( to jail ?, to death ?)

for the theft and for Albanese. We have to put it in the Constitution.

France and UK are not allowed to put their nose into everything we do to take advances in our research.

If you are supposing that I am here in France like Simon in Australia, you don't understand laws. Be careful for what you are playing !

All the videos I made were made in my apartment too...


Was Simon the person broken by the car accident that people have talked about since ?

Non, Charles III n'ira pas en Australie pour prouver son paternité. C'est Simon qui doit revenir en Engleterre le faire ! Il ne faut pas qu'ils s'entassent dans notre pays à nous.


The tallest and the most shameful ?

That is not my education.

I would wait for the author to wear the Title he/she created before following ...

Don't confuse between to be leader and to be followed !

Is the desire to be followed have made european people crazy ????

If she came from us, we can take her grandchild from Lea back with us.

But we are not the same in Massachusetts.

I was placed on the above floor and on the above bed, sharing the room with a spanish girl. I supposed that she was her Representative ?


If the UK have taken the dinausore in exchange with my daughter, now we have to take it back to Australia in exchange with Simon.

Broken or not, return to us the ORIGINAL, not a fake one !

If my daughter is safe, you can have your son back safe in the UK ...

I don't know whether it was the idea of King Charles or of French people to take the dinausore ... for Simon to follow the Italian husband of my aunt, broken having stolen Vietnamese Antiquity ????

But Albanese is definitively finished.

I think that if you won't mind refunding those jewelleries if they came from other countries, will you ?


I have been this morning for a 2nd time to the hospital where mom "Add" didn't survive the 1st time ...

Are you still trying to play and bet with word ?

I think that you are nearer to her than to me ...

OK, people can vote us out for the next election ...

but Albanese must be placed in jail while waiting for condemnation.


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