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18 06 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Are you all preparing the next steps ?

If so,

Dick Milton can not take Chinese to give back.

He just stays in Australia as Queenslander, working in Canberra, Australian Parliament / Home Affairs.

There aren't borders between States.

Good news, Tasmania continue to belong to Australia !

We share Techonlogies with New Zealand...

David comes back to the Islands Union, where there is All.

All, as a principle can not be lawful.

We can not override criminal characters if the principle is always to take All.

Australia will keep hands with Papua, and stay lawful as a country.

The "car" Politics doesn't care about wrong or right, guilty or innocent.

It is my-half brother who has to release his "car" Politics to come back Legislation.

I do it right, he is lawful as a principle.

Master 1, i stared research without anti-thesis.

It is VN and France who do anti-thesis .... very fucking !

But then they help us to do right, even though i still don't like fucking ...

Perhapes, I will do the GG myself wearing operational Title ...

until come back to Monarchic Title ?

If Peter Dutton is preparing his way back to Asia,

He will not have his budget to do newclear ...

Or can only assist.

$10000 savings max to take Home per work year per worker, EVERYTHING Inluded, i said.

If those amounts are corrupted out, they will be deducted from your Total.

If they exceed, you will work hard paid low to refund ...

Keeping laws, If i will be condamned for something by the Tribunal, all the scams and time working free for General Interest condamned by Banks must be taken into account for the verdict.

It seems that America takes the "car" procedures with infinite Universe ?

Celine wanted to take the "car" ... then change mind ?

But we will not take her agin in Australia, in any case.

Our trains are local and will not cross any border with other countries.

I give to others countries the right to create a local Monarchic Status less than 4000+

American car procedures mustn't cross our borders !

We have to remove Trump and bad experiences, for our own safety, electing Mike Pence for the term for everyone to go Home ...

For years, i wanted to to come back joining my daughter, people say that i am my son !

As soon asi get ready to go back with my son and don't accept assitant job, they want me to be my daughter ...

If you are there in Australia and never for the interest of this country and/or you want to take the car ...

You should move out with no job!


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