Those intimidations don't walk with everyone !
Sometimes, we just have to say it to shut them up ..
Health or mental health is not a game.
I am not defending strong wrongly.
I do it right.
I believe that we are saner ... and they have more to lose if we defend the truth ...đ
Even though they don't have any right to ask about our private life details that don't concern them ... for competitions.
Sabotage of health, of moral values and of correct work for competitions is banned in our country.
The oath given by some professionals like Doctors and Police are available while they are Police and Doctors.
When they feel uncapable to continue those professions, they can resign and change career and the oath become unavailable for the rest of their life ...
So, what's about marriage ?
We can divorce making the oath unavailable for the rest of our life or we remove the oath during marriage ceremony ?
We don't have to return to a spouse divorced !
The stupid society have to stop harashing divorced women.
Never the Right Master, OK ?!
It is impossible to ban commercial channels of other countries ...
We can only do not use a media if we don't agree with their policies.
By the way, please stay informed that actually NetCom News doesn't use facebook news because of their Meta Advertisement Policies.
Only interactions by mail, messengers, telephone and Youtube videos are known and get feedback.
NetCom News has been created to fight against individuals thoughts and private life TRACK for insane competittion and theft of intellectual properties ....
There isn't any track. People have to participate to discussion willingly.
We are not obcessed by private life control. Truth is absolutely logical ...
In what am i concerned ?
Don't forget the deal we've made when Macron moved to New Calidonia !
I am biologic parent AND the parent who raised my children.
One doesn't remove the other.
It is ridiculous to sell bikes and motos and ban customers to use because customers didn't invent it ????!đ€
Such as some Mexican danceurs teached dances to earn wages and say that customers are not allowed to practice because they are not americans ???!đ€
In the total absence of every forms of logics ...!!!! đ±