I am old and my daughter is adult now.
We don't need baby sitting anymore
Trump can leave Australia.
Besides mother "Add", Trump also has the Spider, a very fucking profile !
You need very bad to be better ...
But it is Mike Pence that i support to be the President of the US not Trump, Ron Desantis !
I think that by this time you will be worse ...
And if you can not shut a little bit up, we shouldn't make you the Vice President to complicate his task ...
You want me to stay the Politics Support for the US ?
Support must have the Authority to do what we need to do.
Support is not just help very disturbing profiles fucking All around !
That is not real but that is the answer to those who say that the right to abortion for women is also the right to abortion for men !
I am not pro-abortion like NewSom, i just want to tell those men that :
They can not abort in someone else body, they must have it in their body to abort !
I think that you are right as the opposite of left, not right as the opposite of wrong, Ron Desantis.
Abortion stay a right for extreme cases, but it is not because it is a right that women have to do all the time ! Prevent is better than cure.
Mrs Linda Burney,
Stop dividing is the best way for us to keep Australia clean and safe.
We don't have public shares holders entreprises or companies in Australia. Any one of them will move in. We have 1 Governmental Employment with the Bridge to build.
You will not twit anyone of them.
You will take your right to be elected the next PM as well as you will fulfill the condition to be elected because different is not the same.
It is impossible to add up here right now. Nuclear is not urgent for me. Keep it for later !
For now, I need someone for Home Affairs / Visas among other activities in remote team ...
If the Politics of the US is Federal turning-by-terms elected Presidents,
You will take your right to be elected.
You are not following anyone, cutting head off because the time-head expires its term by itself before ...
We are just looking for someone who is correct enough, and enough respectable that we won't have to impeach.
They are saying that Trump will be tired of winning.
I myself is tired of insulting. Don't think that i like it even though insult is not banned in my constitution ...
Qui sait ? Peut-être que ce n'était que des rumeurs comme d'habitude
Sinon, personnellement, je ne suis pas Pro-N.
Je n'aime pas tourner le couteau dans la plaie...
Comme j'ai dit.
Ma dernière vote, je la donne à la personne qui promet et va tenir promettre de supporter ma sortie. Sinon, je ne vote plus en France.
Je ne sais pas à quel titre, à quel droit, le ferai-je ici ?
Mais certainement pas en tant que peuple ! ça c'est ingérable.
La France n'est pas comme le US, elle a bien 1 tête, voir 2 ... des 2 bouts qui sont actuellement là.
La plus part des gens qui vont chercher de quoi manger au resto du coeur n'y vont pas comme aller à la fête ou au kermesse de l'école ...
De tous les témoignages qu'ils ont montrés à la télé, ils ont tous dit se sentir mal à l'aise ...
Et il a fallu des gens au bout du rouleau comme ça pour que certains enfoirés se sentent généreux !
ça, ce n'est pas ce que j'ai et je veux faire avec le CE !
A mon CE, les gens ont le plaisir de venir.
Ils ne sont pas obligés de venir, vidés de dignité !
Et la "Tous Ensemble" solidarité Républicaine ne me concerne pas.