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21 03 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

If you have the leaserdhip of the Labor Party, my question is "Do you feel proud or happy seeing a country like Australia reduced to a Labor Party ?"

If yes, you don't have to commit.

I create a new unisexe Title for the Monarchy and a new Title for turning-by-terms executives ...

Because now with the Bridging Executive that Europe call Director and the US call CEO who are those who work,

The PM just comes back a kind of embassador ?

Indeed, i can go Retirement Home Affairs, Jim.

You were not there the time i was the "child" who had the highest wages in mother "Add" family ...

At that time, thefts didn't know who i was ... and what i have to be harashed to be stolen.

Thefts are very powerful in the world we live because they are the MAJORITY !

If we want to do right, do it right for us.

I don't care about rightness or wrongness for them.


Perhapes, the Title Embassador came from China and the Title Senator came from Indonesia / Papua ...

Perhapes, Trudeau will stand out to China ...

So, what's the question with Australia ?

If you really want positive discussion for business, just stop gangsters ways, harashing and taking us in hostage ...

Let's us go Home making our Home Affairs right, clean and safe then we will talk.


Encore, je ne suis pas si sûre d'être française. On travaille ici et pas en tant que Légion étrangère. Depuis 1996-1997 le service militaire n'existe plus. Seul les volontaires peuvent faire une carrière militaire.

Pour moi, les Russes ne sont ni ennemis, ni amis.

On ne les suit pas et on n'aime pas être collé au culQ par eux.


Do it as you want.

Don't stick to my son like a *HIT.

Toi aussi, lâches moi le culQ stp.

Je veux que ma famille ait le droit de passer à autre chose de chez nous, pas à la Banque Société Générale !

Moi, je ne préfère pas ça. Je le trouve aussi pathétique que Macron.

Ils se concentrent tous à battre quelqu'un qui ne fait rien ???!


My son was not born in a wrong body.

He was made in a wrong way in our total ignorance for a very bad question between the manner and the inheritance ...

I am not pro-abortion but i don't ban abortion.

I just don't allow men to take freedom to do it in a woman body without asking.

I've banned body immigration from June 2019 on ...

and allow men to do it in their own body by chirugical act if they wish to defend abortion or parenthood by themselves...

If you don't agree with that, just let it done in your wife's body !

Simple ! Stop Arguing.

Don't take anything i am doing. I was asleep somewhere else ...


C'était François à FranceFinance qui était "drogué" jusqu'à ce que j'ai du cracher que c'est incompatible, ça va rejeter ...

Alors c'est à vous de voir si Darmanin peut aller se droguer chez lui ... ????

Parce que si on veut propre et bien, il faut être propre et bien.

Si les voyoux sont toujours trop nombreux pour être propre et bien, propre et bien ne sera pas possible.


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