That's it !
Not fake Degree but fake Graduated Student are from where there are All,
not just immitation, they are theft of Identity !
The Islands Union for Australia
Mexico for America
EU for Europe
ASEANE for Asia where there are also teachers ... and they made teachers selling fake degree to true Graduated !
Alright. We just have to get rid of the Nuke name, even though i prefered it to the born name, unchangeable.
Do you know we are winning the Politics Master ?
But it will not be now to take students yet...
We have to work on before opening it to international students and States that are currently closed can fly to its Academic program 🤗
NSW and ACT, as the fish, will not fly ? 🤣
The idea with a technical problem ? 😂
Not the idea ! 😥
That is not an argument for Nuclear, Mr Dutton.
It is not because others have that we must ..
Because we have a big country with very few population ...
We can not afford too much.
If it is necessary and worth to do, we will afford but we can never be the Top in nuclear !
We can be the Top on other fields ...
So, why do we need nuclear ?
Because it is the first time that people see how those legal thefts come steal and live comfortably on others' achievements !
The way back for us is long ...
but what have you already done to say it, Steven ? or you are among them ????
If you are mindless and just throw back what others say like a parrot stupid car ...
That's not debate. So, you can shut up and get out because we have a lot to do than gossip.
Clare O'Neil makes Visas in for workers and students ...
Mrs Linda Burney should be in Home Affairs ...
somewhere she can make Visas out for perrot stupid car debateless and harmful for our country, to avoid people quake governmental anger.
Will those who are obcessed by Trudeau "left behind" walk "Add" walk 3,5 left behind ?
Mais qu'est ce que croit Macron ?
que tous les soldats qui sont là venaient de chez nous ?
Ce ne sont que des français !
Ou il veut se faire détester pour qu'on élise, Jordan ?
Ses stratégies ne marchent depuis longtemps ...
Ce n'est pas parce que je commence à le connaitre mais parce que je commence à savoir ce qu'il faut faire !
Qui est Jordan ?
Justement j'étais en train de dire que Jordan et Jacques Chirac ne ressemblent pas à l'oncle de l'Automne mais l'oncle qui a fait ses études de droit à la Sorbonne ...
pas du côté Meta-prostite donc mais plutôt du côté Vol Légal ..
Ils ont tous la voiture anti-thèse !
Violent la loi, connaissant la loi !
Ce que eux-mêmes le disent tout le temps.