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23 03 24 News

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And my ex-husband too has divorced and let our daughter to me, approved by the Tribunal without any lie and cheat.

I don't think that the "Brave" did want it the wrong way.

That way is not what he meaned by "return".

It was Amazon and Xi Jingping understood what they wanted to understand and did what they could ... perhapes in the total ignorance of truth ???!


There has been a lot of rumors of all kinds about your surgery ....

I have watched all those videos but didn't comment any.

Most of them wanted to know what would be judged to be announced ... before the comment "Thanks for giving" deleted in Youtube yesterday ... after being refused.

Hum ! Faith 😏

As i previously said that princess Ann might look like my aunt in Hanoi young ...

But not King Charles with my uncle "Wall".

That might be why Boston was called the "cradle of England" ...

I don't remember well, we have to check.

And i have to meet their children directly, not via Representatives on Medias.

Because they, the "Brith" and his wife mom "Add", the Flag and his wife (mom "Tomorrow" ?), all came down from the North in VN !

If a hand has been taken via the US or via Canada,

without our agreement, we will not take back what is banned in our Constitution.

And we don't allow them to take Australia in Commonwealth while even Canada and the US are not !


That was why they have beaten my merit for motherhood so much then my son and my daughter in Administration !

What fucking world are you doing ?

Korean nurse works really in Australia. She even worked through holidays in Hospital ...

When mother of Nuke came in France, she was jobless and didn't speak French ...

I offered a baby-sitter paid job but she has never raised my daughter instead of me.

I took care of my children after each work day.

There are 50 states in the US = 50 countries staying as the Keys of Foreigner Homes !

Some came to give, others came just to steal.

I think that the first who came to copy and steal with the geographic cast were South Africa.

I have added them to my bannings list ...

In my Constitution, all the crimes are not worth equal condamnation.

Non Monarchic people are condamned by the Tribunal for Penal Crimes.

Those who have the Monarchic Status might see their Monarchic Status revoked for immoral crimes that are qualified unacceptable by our Constitution.

Revokation of the Monarchic Status = Stop Inheritance.

Stay out of our local Australian Constitution if you have those unacceptable crimes and want to continue your inheritance ....

Only Australians can vote for Australian Constitution.

Result in 2 decades = 20 years.


Il faut arrêter de lire les logs pour faire des choses qui ne sont plus d'actualités !

Sinon, ça ne sert à rien d'investiguer tous les jours !

On découvre des choses tous les jours.

Restez informé à jour, si vous ne pouviez pas le faire au moment même dont on parlait.

Ce n'est pas quand on sait ce qu'il faut faire que vous allez vous mettre à faire ce qu'il ne faut plus !


Evryone has a Title or SubTitle ?

Every countries has an Airlines company ?

It is Ok. We can have doctors ... among many other things.

But doctors working in Australia must comply with local Government Health Policies. They are not managed from foreign countries.

That is the main thing to understand as principle difference of our Society Model.

You don't have to rectify everyday whether you are with scientist or artist.


If california doesn't need 2, Massachsettes will stop wearing yellow ...

You stay local China ?

You make your own Constitution if you are with laws ...

Such like Sanghai AirPort ?


Moi, je ne paie pas d'impôts mais avec 100€ /mois, ce n'est pas suffisant pour vivre !

S'il y a un impôt qui ne doit pas augmenter, C'est les taxes foncières. L'année dernière c'est déjà plus que 1900€ pour un appart, sans revenus.

Vus le nombre de personnes qui ont besoin de mes services tous les jours, il ne faut pas que l'Australie soit seule à payer ma pension.

Et il ne faut pas payer via le Pôle Emploi pour que les recruteurs font des annonces qui n'embauchent jamais.

Il faut arrêter l'Officieux pour rendre les choses Officielles progressivement ...

On ne peut plus retourner au Status Quo.

Le UK n'a ni la légitimité, ni les compétences pour gérer le Monde !

Ce que je peux faire ici, je peux continuer en Australie mais là-bas, je peux par mon Statut légitime déclencher certaines choses que je ne peux pas faire ici ...

D'une façon, générale, on peut toujours appliquer localement un leadership.

C'est celui qui recrute qui est responsable de ses employés.

Croyez-moi, vous allez vous en sortir mieux comme ça ...

il faut arrêter de contrôler nos compétences avec leur incompétences !

China counts entire numbers

Mom "Add" has + and -

The Flag and the Brave have x and /, %

China has général accounting.

I have analytical accounting (per destinations)...

As a general principle, everyone can apply nearly everything locally.

It is the employer or the exec chief of a field who is responsible for his/her employees in his/her field.

But not moving over the leader in another place.


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