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24 03 23 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

The reality is here i am attacked all the time on everything Health, mental Health, Finance ...

That is not Labor and that is not Government because Government are not just there to attack Labor !

That's why we have to go Home to build the country at Home because anyone can stay motivated to work in such a condition and it is not normal that a whole country is given to Labor to govern without Local Owners ???!

If Local Owners govern themselves, they don't need to hire Labor, they won't need to work out as Labor ...

And if you read what i talked about Macron yesterday

The safest way to govern is to get the full right to govern by getting through the Monarchic status that we will have to legalize !

Worrying about robustness ? we can even backing up each others with many as a pool.

For this generation, we will have Up Down BB. My children double me one more time.


Tax is a % of income that people have to pay for the social charges.

such as health care which is covered here.

Sure, if they cut off health care covery, it will be difficult to defend !

so just defend defend defend defend is not a solution.

We have to get back to our normal situation and let others live their life.

Stop letting spematozoon banks govern everywhere !

But which May 9 are you talking about ?

We can not have 3 and a half persons as Flags !

We can not keep South Indonesia so we don't have both April and May in Australia.

It is not because people will get a house or an appart that they will be out of problems.

Our problem now is not to have an accomodation but pay the charges !

Those who already have an accomodation are "strangled" with charges that we have no way to control, managed by the collective administration !


J'ai déjà regardé ce film

et je ne le détestait pas autant que la mission à Intermarché !

Sincèrement, je ne suis pas quelqu'un qui se déteste.

Si c'est moi, je me reconnaitrais bien volontiers mais il faut laisser les choses se faire naturellement parce que si on se force ou force quelqu'un à devenir pour "gagner", quelque part, on sait déjà que ce n'est pas vraie, n'est ce pas ?


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