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24 03 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Keep your laws and act against terrorism local.

We are not concerned by Russia and Ukraine, Ok ?

Il y avait 50 pays aux US et 54 pays dans Commonwealth.

A mon avis, ceux qui ont tourné à gauche doivent rester à gauche et ceux qui ont tourné à droite doivent rester à droite.

C'est l'Europe, Russie inclue, qui doit arrêter de s'obstiner à échanger !

Et l'Australie doit sortir de Commonwealth le temps qu'on résolvent nos affaires aux US....

Qu'il arrête ou il reste là en EU...

Faites ce que vous voulez avec lui mais qu'il me lâche le culQ !

Je retourne chez moi sans cocaine Macroniste.


Non, je ne suis pas en train de voter pour une partie politique qui divise un pays.

En générale, je fais élire une personne, pas une partie.


Yes, it seems they have moved down to somewhere else..

And that is a good thing because I don't much want to have an elder in my culQ to conclude everything I do all the time !


I am not making Trump elected, independantly to the question of abortion which seems to be your obcession !

Neither Ron Desantis, The person i want to make elected is Mike Pence.

We will see during his term who what where to do the Politics Help Desk for the US ...

For instance, any of us will return in the US.

We return in Australia remote working from there ...

The "Loan" in Sydney didn't want to participate in my former CE Great Public, now become BC Great Public belonging to the unique Governmental Employment

She will get out to China and we can not continue with Buttigieg Public Transportation in Massachusettes under BIG Trump or Global Biden.


Baron is Alexis ?

That was about the BNP bank ?

They were for Socialism.


The question not to fail is not about big 😏

Avant moi, personne n'a parlé d'application locale d'un leadership.


Agree with Ben B.

Living in awe : sooner we get back to change, sooner we will get out of Hell. Stop harashment here is stopping harashment there. You didn't understand it ?

Sometimes added my news link then removed my comment, fogetting to keep your like as reading receipt 😥

But you are doing well Aussie 👍

I will try to remember but we can not keep them in YouTube or facebook comments ...


Sure, if Australians want Politicians to stop spending people tax for their vacations, savings are necessary and must be allowed to everyone.

It depends :

  • from whom

  • to whom

  • for what

  • and how ....

But in general, donations are not banned except for those who are in this bannings list

Be careful ! The list is not finished yet...



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