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25 06 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

We have to come back to work with Australians everyday ..

Completly remote governing is impossible, not more than Trump's impeachment ...

We have to build !

Promotions are necessary for the society ...

But everyone will not move into us, as a principle, for anything they do.

We can nuke but don't have place for 26 millions of persons.

We govern, not doing all the professions.

We can understand the population matters without taking them all...

There are places for studies to learn as there must be places for family, choice and love. Everything are not biology. Everything are not economy.

Monarchic SubTitles and Operational SubTitles are Titles too.

As said in yesterday NetCom News, we have to stop work Visas

  • to others countries Royals

  • to All Africans

Education must stop humiliation.

If they wish, they can come to study and pay for a Politics Master but then come back to work in their countries.

They are not allowed to work in our country, at the top level of the country.

(be careful to YoTube Channel thats are not known by the Government).

The leader of a field stays the leader of a field ..

to build and sell.

Everyone can use. Otherwise to whom we sell ?

What's about VN ? I will not come back there.

Même sans destitution explicite, le 1er quinquennat a expiré par lui-même.

Je ne suis pas concernée par son 2e !

Oui, il se croit avoir du pouvoir c'est parce que nous ne sommes pas mis d'accord ..

Si j'avais validé pour ma signature pour Jordan, il ne serait certainement plus là.

Mais comme j'ai dit que j'arrête, j'arrête.

Son avis n'ira pas jusqu'en Australie pour les autres Juillets ... même en suçant les Africains !

Il faut arrêter le langage de voyou pour être respecté, OK ?

Mais compte tenu de tous les avis de toutes les autres personnes ...

Je pense que Lea va nous la redonner si c'est eux qui nous l'ont pris par le passé... pour faire un tel désastre !

I was saying that, taking in consideration others' opinions, i think Lea will give it back to us if you have taken it in the past.... to make such a desaster !

For a New Zealander Monarchic Status and SubTitle,

not an International Monarchic Title !

We can not give the Monarchic Status of our country to you.


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