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26 05 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

On va passer outre les contrariétés de toutes sortes de la semaine et les insultes pour aller directement au problème qui se pose

Il est temps d'arrêter les conneries et la mauvaise éducation très français dans le pays des autres.

Non, seulement, je ne sais pas ce que je suis en train de faire ici en France et pourquoi j'y suis bloquée ????

Si nous, les New Zealanders n'ont pas le droit d'aller en Australie, pourquoi les Français pourraient aller si loin en Nouvelle Calédonie ?

Cela ne me pose aucun problème de rentrer au New Zealand mais je ne veux pas que les Français aillent déposer un tas de toute me*de devant notre nez en Australie, un pays où nous avons fait l'histoire !

Maintenant je comprends pourquoi les Africaines du Nord au ManPower m'ont fait une semaine d'enfer !

Mais moi, je n'ai pas demandé à ce qu'elles me volent ce que j'ai fait pour me les redonner à leur façon !

Et elles ont le culot de me dire "tout ça c'est toi " !!!!

Mêlez-vous de ce qui vous regarde !

I was saying that now i understand why we have to be Federal States .. and the Politics HelpDesk to make Federal Elections make sense ...

But Australia is Federal as a Continent and Country, not the World !

China wants to make Taiwan independant but Taiwan has other countries in ASEANE to play with

Tasmania is alone if it is not with Australia.

I think that Tasmania should belong to New Zealand, letting 6 Australians States together.

I myself don't feel Chinese. Chinese mom is not forver.

1 month or 1 year chinese mom seems already too long for me !

Stop harashment and pathetic empathy for mom, please. I have raised my children for more than 20 years !

And stop stupid comparisons as well.

I have spent years in hell to be compared with all kinds of persons who don't have any relation with me and now i can not be the person who suffered the most having lost me because i don't pilote !!!! That is unacceptable !

The Flag said he goes to New Zealand.

So, i will go to New Zealand remotely make Federal Elections from there.

As a matter of fact, it was Queensland and Vitoria for New Zealand.

Papua and the Island Union take the orther 4 States.

There have been a lot of sabotages from countries that are not concerned in our Home Affairs.

Laws have to be very careful, because with God,

punishment is endless scam for any level of crimes and,

Authorities and Criminals are the same.

I would say that

Prostitution is a civil / penal crime which can cost some hundreds or thousand of dollars or some days or months jail

But META Prostitution is a Politics crime.

For those who have a Monarchic Status, they can see it revoked.

For those who don't have a Monarchic Status, if they break the local Monarchy to do Bank, they can be sentenced to death.

We will never give to Pauline Hanson what we have built to do All.


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