If only you didn't stick as Biden's "sister" to become Vice President ...
If only you used your own competences to be chosen ...
It is regrettable because you are not completely incompetent ...
to become active people just capable to steal identity !
Trump is a bad guy, he knows it, he said it himself.. and accepts to die for ..
But you are not playing fair with Biden !
I told Biden that Pence was occupied to run Trump off that Biden was chosen instead ...
As if you were hired to replace a temporary vacancy and then when the person comes back, you stick there and don't want to release the place ...
And now, you stick to Obama ... for what ?
To follow Clinton ?
What's your value, Obama ? Who are you ?
Why didn't you stay in Indonesia, telling those teachers not to steal my merit at the age of 8 to give the medal to someone else ?
Why didn't you stay in Indonesia to tell those teachers not to sell fake degree to a teen under the name of their longest Monarchic Time King ?
Why are you there robbing Americans ?
Sincerely, i have never cheated at any exam and everything i get, i do it myself, not alone but myself. I have never needed to steal anyone else merit and identity to rob anyone !
It was the kind of Trump who pushed a Prostite into Meta-World ????
That is not what i do !!
If it is to Princess Anne that I have to give back Massachusettes with the American Politics HelpDesk made by me,
then i just want to ask her to approve Mike Pence now ... Preparing to her way back.
Because just people votes are not enough.
People were with Trump after his shoot show and now they are with Kalama Harris and Obama .. Obama, you will shut up.
Many years ago, the one who asked me :
and now what will i do ? revolution ?
was my cousin New, the brother of the Horse ... and that is Gavin NewSom look.
I think that the Rose Princess was Brisbane/Queensland as the black Beast was in Melbourn/Victoria
Gold Coast is Yellow because in Vietnamese both
"Gold" and "Yellow" are called "Vàng".
Warning :
The group Australia News in facebook usually published fake news, not checked, not controlled, not approuved by us !
Those news are published by users of facebook in that group who are not Australians and who even don't have any relation with Australia ...
Be aware !