There isn't anything that says they came from us ?!
People were saying that Kate is Catherine and that is Experience !

And that ?
It was a time they believe they were from Xi Jingping ???!!
And that ?
I never go to the church Mess !!
They are likely Theresa sticking like to Segolene and Thomas now ?
The conversation with dying hard that never know from which shits holes they were out was long long long long ...

But Brief,
If they already got us and everything needed in the past, they don't need to take us again .. So why are we again here harashed ?????
If they were not punished the last time they stole us, it is now I sanction !
If they got us and lost it and want to take us this time, we will not give.
If they failed getting us and want to get us now, we will not give.
If i have to change, it is because those things don't fit me !!!!

Not Interested, in any color dress!!!!!
I don't insist and don't like dying hard insisting !!!!
Stop Asking !!!!!
Advertise or not, stay faithful to your dog !!!!!
Which girl ?
The dancer ?
I am tired of them, just fire me out !
3200 years ago ...
My son and me are not so beautiful but those who are nearby us have History !
Most of us have it in double ...and we have found it nearly for everyone.
It is now or never History must have been done.
We don't take those who just start making History now when everything has been told !
Je ne suis pas ici en prison.
Je n'ai jamais été condamnée.
Je suis ici dans mon appartement, et je n'ai pas besoin de femme de ménage.
Je ne fais pas de ménage pour les autres mais je le fais pour moi.
Donc pas de petit jeu de merde avec moi. Sinon, c'est vous qui devez être nettoyé !!!!
Ce qui n'est pas normal c'est que je suis ici retenue en otage, pour être traquée, copiée, volée par des voyoux du Gouvernement français et autrui !!!!
Je ne commande pas des assassinats mais je demande des sanctions à ceux qui le font : Meurtriers avec préméditation pour Vol !!!!
Ils tuent les parents pour voler leurs enfants pour le foutre dans Tout !!!!
Et c'est pour cela que certaines femmes ont du avorter pour sauver elles-mêmes.
Pour mon fils, c'est trop tard pour avorter.
Je ne peux même pas sacrifier son enfant pour le sauver avec leur "voiture" !
Je dois le faire autrement mais , nettoyez-les !!!!
Don't stick to me NET like a Shit !!!!!
That's it !!!!
Trump just has to finish being Boss and fire all his employees !
It is too easy to undo what doesn't belong to self ..
Undo what belongs to you, Trump !!!!
NO, i don't like thefts of All kinds !!!!
Punished for what ?
You are stupid taking us for stupid ?
As if we don't know they become rich stealing us among others .. ???!
But somehow, if you didn't understand it, you didn't loose anything ...
And you are not those to whom we share when we can get back what belong to us !
Information is not Advertisement.
Information is necessary, not Ads.
I am not in jail, Albanese.
I am retained in hostage by All kinds of thefts is a fact !!!!
So, secrets about what ?
Private life, i don't need to expose how i live if they don't track illegally !
Secrets about Treasury ? NO !
By the way, Gerard rennick will start working with Jim Charlmers, as the First people party ...
He will start changing the way to deal with Economy as we will stop American Global thefts.
You can pay my pension directly to my Bank account to make job search independant from French Employment Office ...
Because other jobless people are not doing what i am doing !
2 weighs, 2 measures , they can not pay the same thing when i am not doing the same thing !
Je ne profite pas de la guerre entre la Russie et l'Ukraine.
Je vous ai dit que je ne suis pas ici pour vous faire le miroir !!!!
D'ailleurs, je commence à interdire la copie par les autres, à commencer par notre Statut Monarchique.