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28 06 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

My target was Peace and people go Home ...

But they don't want to let me win ?

Germans went to Indonesia before the UK went to Papua

Are you sure that they didn't make a target to have a Fake All ?

If my son is not a child of Jérôme, how the child of Lea can be his ?

Was Macron who wanted to take the Normandie format ?

Whatever, if they want Justice the way back, they will stay until 52 years in VN ..

before coming back fake degree to us ..;

Sincerely, European could have been satisfied to sell some beauties to ugly black people to access some houses ... ????

Not leading Australian white and red people !

We don't need you for any training and defence or anything else !

It was not us who ordered Pizza but you will abandon the LapTop ?

It was always beacause of ... others ???!

Sincerely, you should have controled you overflow jealousy and shut up YOUR prostite tongue !

J'ai trop peur !

Par contre, la 3e guerre mondiale dont je parlais hier ce n'était ni pour me faire peur à moi, ni pour menacer les autres,

Regardez depuis la Russie, les US, la Chine, et même en Australie qui ne veut que la paix ...

Les gens qui sont actuellement au pouvoir et vont encore venir au pouvoir ne sont que des vrais des généraux, colonels ... pas les saboteurs de grossesse des femmes !

Cela a l'air d'être une blague pour faire peur ça ?

ça c'est pour quand mon but ultime : LA PAIX ne peut pas être abouti !

Vous voyez dans quel monde de merde on vit ? à cause de vous, les Africains !

Ils peuvent vous mettre sur notre tête à nous ?

I let to other countries the right to create themselves a local Monarchic Status on their own land.

We have the right to locally farm on our local land.

Just finish African farmers in Australia first, please.

I want to stop Humiliation. Stop work Visas to African !

If you have closed the subclass 4xx, don't restart for lawyers or for anyone else !

Nhỏ xíu như vậy đã phải gánh 1 cái nợ đời quá lớn !

Không nở.

I was saying that he is too young too good to take that great life debt !

If Camilla wants Justice then their Spanish little girl has to take the one who broke Simon ...

It seems to be a Vietnamese car driver ?


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