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30 08 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Sure, what i am doing now, i could have done it since 2019, when my daughter suddently left me to go to live by herself...

6 years, if rent both unused rooms full-time, i could have doubled my savings accounts, after closing the CE Great Public and finished every professional Activities,

to put them into your hands of Treasurer !

But i think that i was not ready to share because i was not sure to leave ...

If people just come into others' country, receive pensions to live very comfortably without having to work, without any pressure

Anyone will want to leave, legitimate or not !

What do you mean by not complacent ? not satisfied ?

Jim, you might have some things in the Albanese kind/type ...

Fidelity, i don't know and i don't judge. Faith perhapes. Leftist Solidarity for sure !

But you have something that Albanese doesn't ..

You comply with Authority and that would be enough !

Unless you also comply with Gangsters practice to raise cost of living and that is not promiss kept !

Otherwise, i assume what i asked you to do.

I asked for 20€ / day, what i needed as the minimum to live while waiting...

Suddently, everything doubled.

I asked you to raise as i used to have flexibility in many things ...

You said you can not.

I was disappointed but it is OK. You even win more Trust.

So, now, just keeping on continuing towards the Ultimate Target.

I come back to replace you as Treasurer to finish the Gangster Money Practices,

to let you replace Albanese as PM "Time child care" ...

Jobs Offer and Work Visas September 2024, without Flexibility.

Vous faites ce que vous voulez mais chez vous, càd Europe.

En Australie, le Rouge reste à droite.

Ce qui ne se ressemble pas ne s'assemble pas.

Ceux qui pensent que je vais craquer sans solution sont peut-être fous ???!

Ils ne me connaissent pas mais moi, je sais ce que j'ai parcouru ...

Tout n'est pas acheté !

Si vous voulez encore m'oppresser pour faire souffir les Français par la Solidarité de Gauchistes, ça va être plus dur que l'enfer pour eux ...

Parce que moi, je vais augmenter le tarif si le coût de la vie augmente ...

Alors, faites ce que vous avez à faire dans votre "maison" de jeux !

Il ne faut pas confondre le pouvoir et l'autorité !


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