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17 04 24 News

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You didn't answer directly to the question.

I don't know what you did and i don't know what really happened to my daughter ...

But i have lived the same pain because of your communication !

So, the first thing back to you

is communication in a way we can understand exactly what happened ...To make exact dicisions.

Otherwise, i am not worried.

As they are making AI, they only do what we say it ourselves.

That's why they have to harash weak mindset.

It was Xi Jingping who said "give me death or give me freedom" !

I supposed that he repeated what's the Brave said to suggest it to us ?

They can say it but not us beacuse we are not killer ???!

China now get Electronics and is trying to harash me to break to steal AirForce !

Xi Jinping since says that Scott Morrison is Australia ...

I don't like following. I have never followed anyone.

Believe me, doing right, knowing exactly what we have to do ...

is the only thing that can help keeping strong mindset !



Yes, Jacinda must have Laws and Advices from her mother side ...

And what's about her father ?

You are fake everywhere, Paulin Hanson !

So, what is that "One Nation Flag" ?

Tasmania as the mirror of VN ?

We come back to reform it.


If everyone gets married with ordinary people, what's the problem with my Bridging EXEC thatso many have protested as a ... chair ???!

If you can get everything without doing anything,

you will get bad merit as an evidence !

Taking people from the work force helps renewing skills and keep our knowledge up to date.

Government is not just the show.

It is more and more difficult because the world become more and more complicated.


It is not a problem of gender.

Just a lot of "potential legal thefts by marriage" are trying to make me fear from divorce ...

and Albanese was among those who protested the most furiously.

Politicians are not just there to couple to steal a foreign country, Albanese !


Real heros or French show ?

"Un couteau, une chaise comme seule arme ..."

Trop de coincidence pour être un hasard !

I was saying that there were too many coincidences to be without premediation ????

I have the French citizenship but i didn't get it that way !

And i can not wait until a 2nd massacre to say it !

Where there are Macron and Albanese, there are strategy cheats ...

The PM doesn't have the right to give citizenship.

And to avoid corruption from Visas and Citizenship,

We need someone in Home Affairs to audit and control the demography.

So, Home Affairs :

  • Demograph

  • Visas

  • Citizenship

  • Election process

  • Treasury

  • ...

I prefer that profiles like Albanese will not go there to complicate others' tasks...

Should his citizenship be withdrawed too in exchanged ????


People can find them on Google but people can not reach them ...

It is a good thing ? or a bad thing ?

I would say that if people can not reach,

there's not need to put them in Google search !

And i am not anyone but Google can not know ??

Just Dick Milton risk to see his Politics career off ...

Can not find such a thing is a huge lost for the National Interest.

Can not find Willingly for other countries Interest is Politics crime.

And what i need to know is not just where is my daughter but where is the dinausore in Brisbane Museum ?

Is it still there or they have sold it out ?

Can someone answer directly to my questions ?

Don't just make hypothesis for Chinese AI.

Everyone don't have the same thing !


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